I am learning javascript and am very happy with the new possibilities for web development this programming lenguage offers. A month before I also learned php. I am doing now some forms for my (previouly static boring) webpage. I am very happy with all the new possibilities opened. But have a big problem to organize my work.
I come from a C formation. Having been programming in that very organized and strongly typed language, I feel something uncomfortable with the mixture of programming languages needed to make a decent webpage.
I would appreciate very much if someone can guide me to find some material related with the styling and organization of web-programming.
For example, I had lot of troubles with quotes and double quotes in the mixture of languages. When an echo with single quote contains a string that needs a single quoted string inside you have to make very awkward things for this to work.
It's not easy to use, but it can add cool features to your site. If you are not good at ajax, do not use it, because it may became difficult for user to use your site
Looked pretty easy to me when I saw this fantastic tutorial,
Depends how you learn it.
Find some good tutorials,
but Ajax can really 'pimp' out your site
MrAlex wrote:Looked pretty easy to me when I saw this fantastic tutorial,
Depends how you learn it.
Find some good tutorials,
but Ajax can really 'pimp' out your site