I'm planning on making a game based on an old game book series called Lone Wolf but I can't decide which language to use, It doesn't need to be flashy cause it will be text only with a few still pictures. So which language is best for this? C++ C# or VB?
so i will move this thread to appropriate location on this forum, and other members will help you because this is web section. Good luck with game development.
perhaps C# or vb will be good for quick development? I have been using C# and vb but depending on what you need, they can be a bit slow if you are using computation intensive stuffs. i normally use C++ for those.
Yo i use to have a program called "Game Maker", very easy to use, u should try to gogle it, if u wanna make simple games like that, i made pac man using it. If u pay for it to, u can make 3D Graphic games (like doom graphics but), its scriping and button kinda form, easy to use. SHould check it out