Pre-Site Enter Design

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Posts: 69
Joined: Sun Feb 18, 2007 8:28 pm

Pre-Site Enter Design

Post by iSTiFYeTi »

Step 1

Open up a new **** 400x400px, and fill the background with #1e1e1e. Create a new layer named 'outter bg', make a circle selection of 270x270px in the center of the **** and apply a gradient from #ffac6a to #ff7506.


Step 2

Apply an Outer Glow an a Stroke.


Step 3

Create a new layer named 'inner bg', make a circle selection of 240x240px and fill with #1e1e1e. Apply a Stroke.


Step 4

Make a new layer named 'shine 1' select your 'inner bg' layer and fill your selection on the 'shine 1' layer with #ffffff and lower the opacity of the layer to 2%. Duplicate this layer and name it 'shine 2' and apply Edit > Transform > Scale and while holding down Shift+Alt move the top and bottom sides inwards about 10 px. Repeat this so you have about 7 shine layers.


Posts: 69
Joined: Sun Feb 18, 2007 8:28 pm

Post by iSTiFYeTi »

Step 5

We are now going to add the text so apply some text I used Sofachrome, Regular, 30pt, Strong. Apply an Outer Glow and a Gradient Overlay.

Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:17 pm

Post by ghdgood6gv »

Great information here Peter. I think if we could at least implement some of these tips we would definitely be more efficient when working at home.
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