Will Web Browsers Replace 'Office Applications'?

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Will Web Browsers Replace 'Office Applications'?

Post by wil »

There's a lot of work being done on developing web applications that could replace standard 'office applications' like word processors (Word), spreadsheets (Excel), presentation builders (Power Point) and more.

Here are a few examples:

Writely.com - it's a word processor, it's in beta, and it's free. And it works in IE, Mozilla, and Firefox.
NumSum - lets you create simple spreadsheets. It's also in beta, and it's also free.
Kiko - an online calendar program. Works in IE and Firefox.
[url=http://online.thinkfree.com[/url]ThinkFree Office[/url] - Microsoft-compatible word processor, presentation builder, and spreadsheet applications. And also lets you create PDF files. All free!
Meebo - online Instant Messenging -- use AIM, ICQ, Yahoo Messenger, Jabber, GTalk, Microsoft Messenger -- all in one browser window!

Some of these are really cool, and some still need some work. But if you're into this sort of thing, you might want to give a few of them a try.



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Post by MoralFibre »

Buisnesses will always need software...The internet is insecure compared to software...
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Post by wil »

True, but "Office applications' aren't just for people in offices. But you're right, it's definitely not going to work for a lot of businesses. But it might work for some.

I know a lot of people using all sorts of different ways to try to keep their data as mobile as their jobs require -- laptops, PDAs, external HDDs, USB memory keys, Zip drives, etc. Something like this might be an option for some of them.


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Post by kharbta »

wil wrote:True, but "Office applications' aren't just for people in offices. But you're right, it's definitely not going to work for a lot of businesses. But it might work for some.

I know a lot of people using all sorts of different ways to try to keep their data as mobile as their jobs require -- laptops, PDAs, external HDDs, USB memory keys, Zip drives, etc. Something like this might be an option for some of them.


I agree with you wil
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Post by znad »

Look for Microsoft to start buying up these companies if they represent any real threat to Office.

yes rememper Microsoft anti spy ware
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Post by D0M1N0R »

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Post by oldman »

microsoft is a Buisnesses company they will buy all good programs
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Post by norulez »

The internet isn't secure enough for office work.
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Post by Praveen »

Most of the offices will have active internet connection. But they do not have any web browser to access it. That will be a major problem for this. ie They can download their mails. But they could not even be able to visit sites such as Yahoo!, Google, etc.
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Post by Praveen »

Hey norulez! How did you get these user images?