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DNS, CNAME and Basically Domain Help Please

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 6:08 pm
by Jason
So I have a domain with, the domain is:

At first I set the Manage DNS (where you can alter the Name Servers) to | and all worked great.
Unfortunately ZetaBoards requires me to use CNAME's in order to use my own domain for the forums. Whether this is by design of or it's how DNS works; I had to replace Name Servers with CNAME's in order to do this.

For those unfamiliar with the Domain Management of it looks like this:

Anyway, I set the CNAME's as instructed here and now works, but doesn't.

Is there a way I can have the best of both worlds? i.e. Be able to have work as it would under Name Server settings and have work for the ZetaBoards forum

Some notes:
  • I am aware that cPanel comes with free bulletin board software (e.g. phpBB) but I do not wish to use these since I am not experienced with them.
  • I do not wish to do any redirecting either. Just plain and simple domains. = My Forums on ZetaBoards | = ROOT of my hosting account (where basically would take you)

P.S - I hope everyone is OK and I intend on being more active soon after College is over in a few weeks.

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 12:40 pm
by Jason
You should definitely be able to have both working the way you want. works fine for me at the moment.

As for your main domain, you'll need to add a new CNAME or A-record and point it to your web host's server. I'd recommend contacting them to ask them what information you need to use to point it using one of these records.
The above is what has been replied to me over at ZetaBoards.

Could someone please inform me as to what the CNAME details are?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 2:28 pm
by Jason
Never mind, it's to my understanding that I am to contact SHAdmin about adding a CNAME for an attached domain.
I will contact SHAdmin directly.

Could one of the moderators close this thread, please?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 2:45 pm
by Jason
Sorry for all the double posting and whatnot. I'm very confused but I think I have sussed it. I may or may not contact SHAdmin. Anyway, I still require this thread to be locked. Thanks!

Sorry once again.