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Keying Green Backdrops

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:29 pm
by iSTiFYeTi
Keying Green Backdrops from Translucent Objects

Before we can end this tutorial, we need to learn a few advance tweaks that'll help whenever we encounter problems with other photos. Transparent and translucent objects require more precision than opaque objects. We have provided an image of a glass vase with some transparent areas, some translucent areas, and a backdrop that's not excatly pure green.

Download the following image and open it inside Adobe Photoshop:


Follow the technique you've just learnt in the previous pages with this tutorial. When you've adjusted the Channel Mixer adjustment layer, you'll notice that the background isn't black. This is because the backdrop that was photograph isn't close enough to a 100% green.


To fix this, select the layer with the photo and open the Hue/Saturation tool (Image> Adjustments> Hue/Saturation or Ctrl+U). Select Greens from the Edit drop down menu and adjust the hue until the background turns black. The hue you set should be around 60.


Now that we have the green backdrop fixed, convert the channel mixer adjustment layer into a layer mask and add a 50% gray background.


Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:30 pm
by iSTiFYeTi
You'll notice that some parts of the glass are still green. To fix this, activate the layer with the photo and use the Hue/Saturation tool (Image> Adjustments> Hue/Saturation or Ctrl+U) and select Greens from the Edit drop down menu.


Experiment with the sliders near between the two rainbow gradient bars. These sliders specify the color range that is being edited. The gray bar between the sliders indicate the the range and the outside two sliders specify faded range.Try to adjust these sliders so that the green disappears. You'll notice that if the color range gets expanded more into the yellow areas, the greens will disappear. I simply moved the 2nd slider towards the left to achieve this.


Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:54 pm
by BiLTuRK
Thank you !