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Perfect Orb 2

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 7:11 am
by asmail1
This is the second page to the perfect orb tutorial.

10. Now, make a new layer named 5, make a circular selection and fill it with FBFBFB and set the opacity to 85%

11. Again, a new layer named 6, and set your foreground colour to 1D6A74. Fill a circular selection, the same size as layer 5 and move it to the bottom of the orb. With your polygon lasso tool, cut out a little triangle in the top of it

12. Guassian blur to 9.0 and set the blending options to multiply


13. On a new layer named 7, with an extremely soft brush, and your foreground set to 040E10, just paint a thin strip with a brush size of about 15 to blend the green and the black you see there


14. on another new layer named 8, "CTRL **** the thumbnail" of the first layer you made, after the background (the one with the stroke) Then, set your foreground to white and fill the selection


15. with your selection still selected, **** Selection > feather - and put a feathering of about 25. then move your selection DOWN about 40PX and hit delete 2 times and deselect.

16. Now, guassian blur it to around 2.4


17. Now.... for the next step, there isn't a fixed way on how to do this. i just made mine by playing around with the marquee tool


Adding the shadows to the bottom doesn't really need saying, just a case of making a new layer after the background, making some marquee selections filling then and blurring them.


Adding a logo for the finishing touches should go between layer 5 and 6 (make your logo colour black and at a opacity of 74%)

**/ Origonal design by Jixal Studios. Stealthdesignz has 100% permission to write this tutorial thanks to the owner of JS, Taker./**


Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:16 pm
by toxiccloud
that is really awosome, i mostly do signatures so im not sure how to do that kind of stuff>.>, thanks 4 teh tut

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 12:32 am
by iPod Wizard
Wow, very nice orb asmail1, keep up the great work as usual!

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 6:21 am
by Rapboy
omg those orb's looks awesome. I really hope that i could that 2.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 3:40 pm
by limpeh-behsi
I think this is the most special orb that I seen. At first I thought its a glass or water drop tutorial :p