What operating system are you running? Code::Blocks is what I have been using... It gets the job done, and has tips and tricks. It has the basic syntax highlighting and collapsible codes... If you don't write the code correctly, it will tell you that something isn't right. It is a nice software.
It is available for both linux and windows.
C++ for starters
frisky168 wrote:What operating system are you running? Code::Blocks is what I have been using... It gets the job done, and has tips and tricks. It has the basic syntax highlighting and collapsible codes... If you don't write the code correctly, it will tell you that something isn't right. It is a nice software.
It is available for both linux and windows.
Thank for sharing.
Also, if you have Windows XP Service Pack 2, like I recently got, you can use Microsoft Visual Studio Express Editions. (You're aloud to sell software that you make in Basic Express) You can get them here
Webmaster Yoda: You must confront the cPanel. Then, and only then, a webmaster will you be.
Julius Caesar: Veni, vidi, posti
I don't beleive that Code::Blocks is an Operating System. Windows XP, Ubuntu, Vista, they are Operating Systems.frisky168 wrote:What operating system are you running? Code::Blocks is what I have been using...
I use Microsoft Visual Studio and DevC++
Visual Studio Express Page
Wow lol hehhe..
.............................:: Spirit of Fire ::..................................
Yes, I agree and I use Microsoft Visual Studio too.barnes wrote:I don't beleive that Code::Blocks is an Operating System. Windows XP, Ubuntu, Vista, they are Operating Systems.
I use Microsoft Visual Studio and DevC++
Visual Studio Express Page