To continue the Anti-Spamming Rule of smokyhosts, these rules must be followed to help the community.
Rule 1: No spamming ( lol ) Spaming is a non-sence posts, usually off-topic or meaningless. Post something more than 4 words long.
Rule 2: No Double Posting, any double posting will automatically be deleted and noted to SHAdmin who will subtract the point you got for the second post, too many violations can have undesired results.
Rule 3: If a post is more than 2 months old do not reopen it for conversation, start a new topic on it and post in it. All posts over 2 months old will be locked by me or Korsaan.
Rule 4: Music and only music threads will be permitted in this section, please do not venture too far off-topic, there will soon be an off-topic forum to post non-sence in.
Rule 5: Keep our forums clean, we do not like obscene language, remember we host to a variety of ages including younger people who hold the right not to hear it. Any violating posts, will be edited and marked, there is a strong possibility that actions could be taken against repeat offenders.
Rule 6: Have fun, that's the most important rule. Keep this board clean so all members can have fun.
Rule 7: No graphic pictures showing half-**** or full nudity on this site, those in violation will recieve immediate actions taken against them.
These rules are here to ensure the continuation of Smokyhosts, a place many of us call home. We will not accept those who want to cheat thier way to hosting, or rob others of thier rights. SHAdmin has nothing to do with this Annoucement and if you would like to make a comment against it please PM Me. I am here to help out, and if you see my conduct unbecoming of a Assitant Admin, start a complaint topic and your comments will be heard, just keep them clean.
Rules of the Music Section
- Posts: 1246
- Joined: Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:59 am
Rules of the Music Section
Reached 5000 Credits! The highest of any member on Smokyhosts! New milestone for Me!