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My ideal,

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:14 pm
by caiba
I am a student, each people all have own ideal. But my ideal is works as a doctor, may help very many patients to see a doctor. What is everybody ideal?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:27 pm
by TheCrymsonLegends
Do you mean dream? Like what do you wish to be when you grow up -- sort of thing? If so, then my goal is to become a Helicopter pilot so I can make a ton of money by not doing much work and loving my job! One of the few careers which actually would make me happy in doing.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:30 pm
by thetarget
When we are kids, we think big. When I am a kid, I want to write my name in history books.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:35 am
by Tails5
I've always weanted to be a computer programmer, and I'm going to get a university degree in it as soon as I can :)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 4:52 pm
by sakhan
I always wanted to become a buisness man but know i am a computer professional

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 3:52 am
by caiba
Each people all have own ideal, when each person's ideal is realized, is each person happiest time.