Operating In google News

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Operating In google News

Post by anish »

First of all, we have to store our Google news in variable:

Code: Select all

$googlenews = file("http://news.google.com/news/en/us/world.html");
Then, we get ourselves a table, containing news' link with title, popularity on Google News, how old is the news, and where it has been found by Google:

Code: Select all

$popularity = 0; // table index

for($i = 46; $i < count($googlenews); $i++){ // real news start at line 46

$all = explode("<font size=",$googlenews[$i]); // it makes it easier to retrieve headers

for($j = 0; $j < count($all); $j++){

$act = $all[$j]; // actual current chunk

// a bit of cleaning up
$act = str_replace("</tr>","",$act);
$act = str_replace("</td>","",$act);
$act = str_replace("</table>","",$act);
$act = str_replace("</b>","",$act);
$act = str_replace("</font>","",$act);
$act = str_replace("<nobr>","",$act);
$act = str_replace(" ","",$act);
$act = str_replace("

// enough cleaning

if(stristr($act, "-1>") && stristr($act, "<font color=#6f6f6f>")){ // checking for markers of _real_ news

$where_time = str_replace("-1><font color=#6f6f6f><b>","",$act); // getting where and time as one string
$gdzie_czas = str_replace("</nobr>","",$gdzie_czas); // another cleaning routine

$where_time_arr = explode("- ",$where_time); // dividing to time and source
$popularity++; // getting current table index
       $where = $where_time_arr[0];
       $time = $where_time_arr[1];
       // we know now where news was found, let's get news title & link

$news = explode('<td valign=top>',$all[$j-1]);  // right things be right :)
       $true_news = $news[1];
$news_array[$jak_dawno] = $where.'|'.$time.'|'.$true_news; // table input

Now, that we have got the array with pure information, we can do virtually everything with it, for example:

Code: Select all

foreach($news_array as $value){
      $values_arr = explode("|",$value);
      $where = $values_arr[0];
      $time = $values_arr[1];
      $news = $values_arr[2];
      echo "$news - found in $where $time


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