phpBB2 Critical errors! Please help!

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Error moving forum

Post by Tails5 »

I moved my forum to another directory, from /lewis/forums to /forums and now it says "Cannot connect to database" does anyone know how to fix this?

EDIT: This was another error before... but I fixed that and to prevent making a new topic, I edited this one

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Post by smk »

First move all the files back to /lewis/forums then in the ACP-General Configuration page you need to change whatever "Script path-The path where phpBB2 is located relative to the domain name" from /lewis/forums to /forums and then move it to the /forums dir...

there may be an easier way but I don't know it.
Cory: Mr. Feeny, under my desk is a key. It opens locker 703 in a Florida station. In there is all my homework from the past 5 years. I'm actually a wonderful student. I listen and I know everything.
Mr. F: What's the capital of Montana?
Cory: You're not going to Florida, are you?
Eric: I have a question that I'm going to need a yes or no answer to. How many people get into Yale each year?
Mr. F
: No.
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Post by SHAdmin »

You could also go to the phpmyadmin interface for editing the phpbb mysql database.

Once in phpmyadmin, go to the configuration table of phpbb database, and there you will find some value/parameter which will tell you the path of the phpbb installation, simply change that to reflect to your new path.(i think it is only at one place).
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Post by Paolo1993 »

its either you haven't edited the config file or the mysql server is down
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