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HTML Guide for beginners

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:02 am
by Holograph
HTML Guide

Some HTML tags

Bolds Text.
Italic Text.
<u> Underlined Text
This tag emphasize's the word (In other words it makes the word stand out, Kind of looks like italics)

A break in the page (A Space down)

A paragraph
<hr> This HTML tag stands for "horizontal rule" (Rule means line), This tag has no ending tag. This tag is like a break or
paragraph execpt it adds a line across the page.

<html> To start using html (For eg, If you make a new page you would need to put <html> at the start of the page to star
using html.

Remember after every bit of HTML you need to stop it for eg. This is bolded text <-----
Turns off bold.

Alighning text

You can align text a couple of ways.
This guide will tell you the HTML codes to align text.

<hr> Centered Text (This text will be in the middle of your page)</hr>
<-- This stops centered text
<p align=right>With this HTML tag, the text will align to the right
<p align=left>With this HTML tag, the text will align to the left
< p align=center>This is another tag to center text.

Changing fonts

There are thousands of fonts to choose from but usually its best to stick to one font on the page or stick to one font for
the whole website.

<font face="Comic Sans MS" size=3 color= blue> </font> <------- This tag will make the text before </font> blue,
The font will be Comic Sans MS and the size will be size 3. (If you take away size= it will just make the text blue and the
font Comic Sans MS and the size would be just the default size.

If you use Microsoft Word and have a favorite font open up Word and record your favorite font’s name then type it in between
the “ “ for eg your favorite font is Tahoma, You would put Tahoma in between the “ “ for eg,
<font face=”Tahoma” etc

Adding Images

When making a web site its almost certain that you will need to add pictures. So here's were this guide comes in handy,

Below is the HTML tag to add images.

[img]Images/Website%20Logo.PNG[/img] <---- This is the HTML tag to add an image to your website.

When you buy webhosting for your domain you will get a cpanel (Control Panel), In this control panel you should get something
called a file manager. This file manager is were you upload all your **** that you will use and need on your website.
So if you wanted to add a image to your web site you would need to upload it onto the file manager first.
For example: You had a folder in your file manager called images and a image inside that folder called Website Logo.PNG
to make this image appear on your web page you would have to enter the following HTML tag


What this is doing is opening the folder "Images" then opening the picture "Website Logo.PNG" then appearing on your website.

Changing the backround color

Changing the backround color is EASY! and I mean easy, All you have to do is add the following HTML code

<body bgcolor=blue>

This makes the backround color blue. Changing the backround color again is also easy. Just change the color for eg:
You want the color purple, All you have to do is backspace "Blue" and add purple. SIMPLE!.

Making Lists

Making lists is not that hard at all. To start the list off you need to type the HTML tag <ul> which stands for unordered
At the start of each list item you need to type the HTML tag
[*] ("List Item") for example:

[*]List Item 1.
[*]List Item 2.
[*]List Item 3. Etc
This will make the list in dot point form.

You can also make ordered lists, There's four of them to choose from. The tags are shown below:
  1. Which will use numbers
    1. Which will use uppercase letters: A,B,C....
      1. Which will use lowercase letters: a,b,c....
        1. Which will use uppercase roman numerals: I,II,III....
          1. Whick will use lowercase roman numerals: i,ii,iii....

            Note: Each
tag will turn off the most recent list you started.

Making Tables

Tables are pretty hard to make so read carefully!
First you need to type in <table boarder cellpadding=10>. This cellspaces the table which means it makes more white space
around each word so the table does not look cramped. You start each row you want with <tr> which means "table row".
You star each item in each row with <td> which means "table data" (Note: After each item in each row you MUST! finish with
a </td>). After you finish all you items in your row, Finish the row with "</tr>". Then start another row with <tr>

(Note: Tables are difficult to make and it was hard for me to explain what to do, If you have any questions dont hesitate
to ask me Thankyou!)

Adding Links

To add links you need to know the following HTML tag:


Were it says "Linkgoeshere.HTML" is were you type in the URL for the page you want to link to.
Were it says "Word" is what forms the link to the page "Linkgoeshere.HTML for example:

Contact Us <-------- This will go to the page ContactUs.HTML but to get to that page you will
need to **** on Contact Us.


Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:21 pm
by rwshthn
this message is soo dig to read man

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 7:43 am
by yangli
This is HTML tags, You can use XHTML tags.


and more...

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:01 am
by Bulletproof
i use dreamweaver so i dont need to write all things by myself
bvut thnx

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 6:00 pm
by Lixas
Bulletproof wrote:Cool
i use dreamweaver so i dont need to write all things by myself
bvut thnx
but if you will go into advanced creation of web sites you will need to know html :)

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 3:36 pm
by ami38701
how to know my browser can trans the high version xhtml

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:37 am
by Lixas
if you use IE6 FF1.5 or opera 7 (or any of these higher versions) in will support mostly all novadays techniques

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:37 am
by web_master
Also check out my post on websites that can learn you html