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New Template

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 7:53 pm
by darko
hey SHadmin, i'm really sorry, if i'm making lots of suggestions lately but it's only because smokyhosts has become my second favorite website/forum, the only one in front of it is google, anyways, when entering this website day after day, i just get more and more annoyed by the time that it takes to load, this problem is because of all the gfx it contains, not only it drains lots bandwidth, espacially with the memberss count going over 1000[not to mention unregistered users], but also make people with inferior internet connection stay away from this website, that's why i suggest that you change the template on both the website and the forum , and you can even make it a contest for all smokyhosts to come up with the greatest looking template, or we can form a team of designer to do it, i think that would be great and it would really give SH users a way to show there appreciation to the services they Get

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 11:20 pm
by TheCrymsonLegends

He seems to have a good point. Althought You (Shadmin) happen to like Dark Colors along with me.. which is good because I don't have to say HEY I WANT DARK COLORS lol. But since I have 3Meg Cable I suppose I didn't notice the lag in loading time. And those with 56K ( which should be banned lol not the users but the inet connection speed ) could be having very bad problems with the loading.

I didn't even think about it with my own site which is Graphics Hog Central but maybe if more people with 56K suggest this.. then who knows.

I have to inform all members though, SHAdmin can be very busy at times and even if he decides to accept this suggestion implementation could take quite some time. But if you have the same problem just post an agreeance. I love the theme's.. :) But tis isn't about just one person it's about the overall community.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 12:27 am
by mburnz
Hmm I also have 3meg broadband and nothing in the smoky lounge is mooving at the present moment including I presume Down for maintenance?? the forums are up though.

The dark theme is OK by me. I have one myself at but see above.

Maybe the starfield could be shrunk to load quicker. I don't know what one would do to the orange planet thingie without destroying it. But the point is well made if the man is busy don't hold your breath.. I use a small repeated wallpaper pattern myself. Very 1980's.

BTW TheCrymsonLegends your posts are always interesting but that dark red on black is hard work to read..

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 5:59 am
by SHAdmin
There is going to be a major change in the complete look of the template, as well as the different features and resources offered on the smokyhosts website begining from mid of december onwards (hopefully by then even phpbb olympus will release so that i can even upgrade the forums version). The change will be quite noticeable, but will be done gradually begining from mid of december onwards, till then i am planning things out to restructure the complete website, and request you all to be patient with me as far as the look and feel of the website is concerned. (sorry, but i cant help it take so long)

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:05 am
by darko
thanks shadmin for the news, and as for you guys, i don't have anything about dark color, it's just the gfx that gets to me and i'm not using 56k modem, but a 60 ISDN, and plus every time i go to the forum the first things that load is the background witch makes me dizy cause i swear to god that those white points are moving


Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 4:27 pm
by suni
how long has the server been acting up today?

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 4:33 pm
by smk
suni wrote:how long has the server been acting up today?
This should go under Hosted Members discussion and you should check Announcement: Server delay issues

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 5:00 pm
by TheCrymsonLegends
SMK you do have a point, that is off topic and shouldn't be posted here.

The darkred started on another theme and I have always used it. If I change colors now and he switches to another theme the color may not blend well with it, so either way lol darkred is me choice. I will change so that all of you can read my intresting posts :).

Well there you have it... He is working on it lol. Oh and incase many of you didn't know themes for phpbb have to be fitted with the add-ons and extras from other themes, tis why it isn't too easy to switch themes.

But the site hosting has been acting up quite a bit lately, no need to worry as I am told the problem has been found but the solution takes quite some time. Be patient and as soon as possible SHAdmin will have the hosting problem fixed. Thank you for your patience.