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PhP Forum creation

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 7:37 pm
by Troglart
heya, ive never really made a php forum active on a website before, i was wondering if once i have my first account if someone would help me set up a php forum

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 7:54 pm
by iPod Wizard
It should be easy, as it already does it for you in your Cpanel X in the Fantastico section...

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 4:09 am
by mohumben
Hm, what you mean?

If you want to WRITE a forum system... Well, it's a little complicated, but it's not rocket science. In fact, I think people should try to develop apps by themselves sometimes :)

Now, installing a forum is very easy. You can use cPanel or Fantastico but I really don't recommend them, but it's the easiest way.

Or you can simply download the forum files, upload them following the folder structure (use some FTP program like CuteFTP to do this), set the CHMOD's correctly and run the installer.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:10 am
by amr12391
Making your own forum system by yourself can take you months and months! its almost impossible.. i think youd be better off just downloading a system and uploading it...

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 1:32 pm
by Valiantheart
There's a wide range for you to choose from. So, give them a try and see which one you prefer ;)

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 7:18 pm
by Lixas
amr12391 wrote:Making your own forum system by yourself can take you months and months! its almost impossible..
:D lol you are wrong! I've done it in two evening of programming. Yes, its is nots super duper forum, but it has simple administration, quotes, phpBB support, smilies. And what else do you need for home made forum ? :) so, you are wrong, it is possible, because i've done it, done it all alone, by myself, noone helped me. :D

But if you realy need profesional forum software, i could suggest you phpBB or SMF both are free. Use search engines to find them :)
good luck

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 9:00 pm
by zzxxcc
some hosts automatically have phpBB.
Its somewhere in the cPanel or in the modules.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 6:35 am
by renhai
installing a forum is very easy. You can use cPanel or Fantastico !
see the index ,setup by setup!