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Post by tanaka »

I'm playing on a good private server. If you want to check it out: http://www.littlero.com
The only "problems" are that monsters give too much XP and there are a lot of PKs.

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Post by Sildragon »

rabara wrote:WHat's The Difference Of Beta And Alpha?
Alpha and Beta are computer terms that show the progress of a project. Alpha means that this is the first "release" of the software, that it will have bugs, and that it will change. Beta means that a lot of the obvious bugs have been ironed out, and that the software is close to being ready for official release. Software developers often use beta testers to try and find all the subtle bugs in their software before they release it to the customers.

As far as Ragnarok is concerned: Alpha was the first playable version of the game. It had I think only 1 town and a couple dungeons, and I think maybe only 2 classes to choose from.

The Beta stage of the game had 2 phases.

Beta1 was where I began. All 6 1st classes were implemented, but many of the towns and dungeons were not. For example, I mentioned that I played before the Izlude patch. Back then you had to go to swordsman guild in Prontera to become a swordsman. Beta1 also had no card system, although the cards were there(they didn't do anything). AGI was also too powerful and thieves were the best characters in the game.

Beta2 seemed a lot more like today's RO. The 2nd classes were implemented (no 2-2 or reborns though), but all of the towns and dungeons were the same as Beta1. Cards and Upgrades were implemented as well. AGI was nerfed to what it is today, with a flee penalty if multiple monsters are attacking you.

Sorry to ramble.. reminiscing is fun XD
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Post by chillli22 »

tanaka wrote:I'm playing on a good private server. If you want to check it out: http://www.littlero.com
The only "problems" are that monsters give too much XP and there are a lot of PKs.
maybe you want to try out kaz3ro. they have 3 different servers (with different rates) and one new server coming out next week.

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Post by tanaka »

I'm playing on qRO (http://q-ro.net/) now, but I'll try that one. Thanks for the tip. ;)
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Post by bangbanger »

Well when i get better internet again : / im going to make my own server for just a few friend's but that might be a while.
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Post by koyut »

Wow, so many folks know and have played this game. I myself have played this on pRO. Got my character to level 99. Got suffecient equipts for PVP and WOE. Had a great guild. If anybody played pRO on Iris server you know the "~Bad Boys~" right? I lost interest in teh game when our Guild master decided to disband it a few months ago. Now they are planning a come back. I would like to go back and help rebuild our once good name.

One thing I've learned from this game is that great power does not come from a solidary person, from proper organiztion, having the best items. It comes from within the brotherhood. As the guild name implies we are bad but we have a mixture and balance of everything from sweet to sour, white to black, etc. It was one time in my life that I was proud to be bad and happy about it. After all we were all just playing the game. We dont take it too seriously and best of all we were all happy doing the things we wanna do and most importantly you play to have fun not to acheive anything other than that. I you have fun you can reach almost anything and nothing is impossible. By having fun we were able to acheive a status of respect during our time.

****: If you play a game, having fun is your only objective and whether you win or lose you will be happy :)
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Post by jeffyyy »

i've playes on a private server for a while but after a couple of moths it became soo boring.. :(
Posts: 262
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Post by bangbanger »

It's Such a big download file for such few details (well from what i have played.).