PHP Issues

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PHP Issues

Post by smk »

I am tring to install a new cms system but when I go to install it I only get a blank page.

After looking through there site came across this:
www. wrote: To test how PHP error_reporting is setup by default create a "test.php" which contains
[php]<?php echo "die[/php] Then when you open the file thru the browser is should show something like

Code: Select all

Parse error line 0
If not then replace test.php with
error_reporting(E_ALL)]If it shows no errors and doesn't redirect to install.php then something in SecureSSI (the based PHP) is realy screwey and is not conform the PHP rules.
Then your host most debug the server and find the cause of the problem since you don't have access to it.
If you want to try it check here for the first one ( and then ( for the second...

What can I do, If anything?

The info

Cory: Mr. Feeny, under my desk is a key. It opens locker 703 in a Florida station. In there is all my homework from the past 5 years. I'm actually a wonderful student. I listen and I know everything.
Mr. F: What's the capital of Montana?
Cory: You're not going to Florida, are you?
Eric: I have a question that I'm going to need a yes or no answer to. How many people get into Yale each year?
Mr. F
: No.
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Post by SHAdmin »

Most of the current php settings on the server are either the default settings created by cpanel or else they are the settings which were modified for optimizing and securing the server.

I have just checked out the php settings for "error_reporting" and it seems to be the default one.

If you wish to see specific php settings, create a php file with the following code and run it

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