Illegal softwares???

Any duscussion regarding softwares can be carried out here.

Have you ever used an (or more) illegal softwares?

No, and I don't like it!
No, and I don't like it!
No, and I don't like it!
No, and I don't like it!
Total votes: 15
Locke Laton
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Illegal softwares???

Post by Locke Laton »

Yes, I'm talking about illegal softwares. What do you think about using an illegal software?

For student or low income people, using cracked soft is something kind of normal since they can't afford to pay such a huge money (200$ for Windows XP, 1000$ for Photoshop CS, 400$ for Google Earth Pro....)

To be honest, I'd never used a legally software until I buy my laptop which has Windows XP Home edition installed from the company it self. In my country, with $0.50 you can have a CD that contains all type of stuff such as softwares, music cds, games, videos,.... nomatter how expensive they are. All are at the same price, WinXP .50$ Photoshop .50$ Corel .50$ ...

You could say about open source softwares, but if open softs are all good then the software industry should have been dying now, but Microsoft is still growing...

I've seen some guys here (I don't know if it is the most of you or not) talking in forum the way they never been using cracked softs before. So just want to know how do you guys think about it??

(Don't blame me, cos I'm not a cracker, I'm just saying my opinion :p Also, I'm not Britain though I'm from UK)

never mind!
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Post by elicoten »

I don't like illegal software. I would certiainly only use a crack if I already own the software for another computer. I believe Open source is the best way to do things, as it is growing. Microsoft are seriously concerned about the iimpact of Open Source on their market share, and whilst currently most people are using Microsft software, as Open source grows more people will see that it is just as good as the paid alternatives and will switch to it.

Linux is growing, Open Office is growing and I don't think that illegal software is necessary.
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Post by silent_slaughters »

I dont think there is anything wrong with using illigal softwares, but thats just my opinion. People use illigal softwares, cracks and stuff all the time. It's just there for them and if they know how to use it they do.
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Post by darko »

it's really a **** decision, it's all about the person who's using the cracked program, now crackers are not the only to blame dev companies can be hold responsable aswell, when aquiring new technologies, and instead of sharing it with the world, they get full rights for it and holds it ransom for big amount of money, in this stage, of the internet growth this companies should rethink their plans, instead of pricing their programs for big amount of money, they should start to think about using competitive prices, there'snt many programs that the customer can't find it's open source equivelant and once he does that and figuers out that it's just as good he will no longer use the payed program, personnaly i use lots of illegal programs, in fact the only legal programs i use are the open source one, and that's because they are already free. and hell i just bought like 2 hours ago a 3d program called Poser, it costs alot but i bought it for 2$ and that's the extended version with many plugins and addons

Anthony Case
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Post by Anthony Case »

Personally I have no qualms about warezing programs such as Photoshop or Dreamweaver because I will never be able to afford such software. But if I found a nice program that I found extremely useful and the author was just asking for a small donation I will almost always send some money his way.
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Post by mohumben »

The software companies force people to use this kind of stuff, some people simply can't afford $399 for a HTML editor (and I really think it's not worthy).

I buy software as long as the price is fair. Else...

Code: Select all

define('I_LOVE_PHP', true);
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Post by thermal »

I'm a student, so I can't buy any software without burdening my parents.
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Post by wil »

Other than Windows, which came pre-installed on my comp when I bought it, I tend to use free software. Most, but not all, of it is Open Source. I use Firefox, OpenOffice, The GIMP, AVG, Thunderbird, WinAMP, FileZilla, GAIM and heaps more. None of it costs me a cent, and it's completely legal and guilt-free.


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Post by Rapboy »

I sometimes use illegaal software,but most of the time i buy it.
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Post by ddarude »

For business use, I will buy software. But for personal use i'd rather 'look' for the software. :D